Telegram Messenger Launches Voice Chat For Groups, To Introduce Premium Features Next Year


Pavel Durov, Founder of the cloud messaging app Telegram said Telegram will come with new paid premium features for business and power users while regular users will be able to enjoy Telegram for free.

Telegram Thursday released the 12th major update of the year inclduing voice chat for Telegram groups, SD card storage settings, and new UI animations for the Android app, along with a new media editor.

The voice chat feature will enable any Telegram group to be converted into a voice chat room and will come with a voice chat overlay so that users can text and voice chat simultaneously.

Telegram messenger launches voice chat for groups, to introduce premium features next year

Users of Telegram Desktop and the native macOS app can choose a push-to-talk key for voice chats, to control their mic even when the app is not running in the foreground.

In terms of application improvements, users will now be able to free up internal storage by moving the app data to an SD card along with new animations for message buttons, chat folders, among others for the Android app.

India’s telecom sector, in the efforts of enabling policies including more quantum of the spectrum, is set to establish new benchmarks in the next-generation network deployments and service delivery.

Android users will now be able to edit a photo that they have already sent to add effects, drawings, or stickers with the media editor. Similarly, iOS users can tap the pen button to quickly edit and send back a photo they have received.

iOS users will also be able to use Siri voice assistant for reading out incoming Telegram messages in their headphones.

Telegram will also launch a public Bug and Suggestion Platform to enable users to suggest new features and report bugs.

Going forward, the messaging app seeks to revamp its monetization strategies as its global user base approaches the 500 million mark.

Founder of the cloud messaging app Pavel Durov said Telegram will come new paid premium features for business and power users while regular users will be able to enjoy Telegram for free.

Telegram will also introduce its own Ad Platform for public channels. However, private 1-to-1 chats or group chats will remain ad-free.

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